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Reliable Tips to Plan for Healthy New Year

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healthy-lifeReliable Tips to Plan for Healthy New Year

You rely on the water in your home for the many different aspects of your family's health. It's used for cleaning, cooking, and to keep hydrated. That's why it's critical to look at the state of your water supply and your plumbing.

Here are a few tips that you can follow to ensure the good health of your water:

Install a Filtration System

Even if your water is treated by the local water management entity, it probably still contains traces of harmful chemicals and other contaminants, including chromium, lead, barium, and manganese. Although the water is tested on a regular basis to ensure that the presence of these chemicals is within acceptable boundaries, most people would prefer to eliminate them entirely.

A whole home reverse osmosis or carbon filtration system will go a long way in ridding your water supply of toxic contaminants. And, if your water comes from a well, a filtration system is that much more essential since your water isn't tested regularly.

Empty Your Hot Water Tank

Even with a water filtration system in place, it's possible for your water to contain lead. This can sometimes happen if some of the aging lead-based solder used in the installation of your plumbing system comes loose and travels to your water heater. There, these small pieces of lead can accumulate along with other sand and grit, tainting your hot water.

To flush your water heater, shut off the water supply valve and turn the heater off. Attach a garden hose to the drain valve and place the other end in a floor drain or outside where the water can safely escape. Open the valve to empty the tank.

Then, reopen the water supply briefly to stir up any remaining sediment. Once completed, shut off the drain valve, remove the hose, refill the tank and turn it back on.

Clean the Aerators on Your Tapsleaking-faucet

Some of those tiny pieces of lead can also make their way to the aerators installed at the end of your waterspouts.

We've heard of people experiencing the symptoms of lead poisoning, despite having filtered water, because the water they used for cooking traveled through an aerator that was congested with bits of lead.

Cleaning the aerator is very simple. With a pair of pliers, unscrew the aerator and disassemble it. Using an old toothbrush, gently scrub its components, in particular, the wire mesh.

To dissolve built-up calcium deposits, soak the pieces in white vinegar overnight. You can then reassemble the aerator and install it once again.

If you'd like assistance with any of these health and safety water tips, the licensed and experienced professionals at Ira Hansen and Sons Plumbing are here to help. In the Reno, NV area, call 775-406-6964 to book an appointment.

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